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Halloween Bundle of Fun

This Halloween Activity Bundle for the Elementary Music Class — four great activities to use with your music students, K-4. Includes the top-selling activity—Hall of the Mountain King!


I had so much fun in the fall with electrically-lit jack-o-lanterns around the room creating a spooky atmosphere. My students loved it and looked forward to it. They started asking in September if I was going to repeat their favorites.


These activities are based on the fact that children love to pretend. I was able to teach crescendo/decrescendo, tempo, accelerando, mood, how composers use instruments to create mood, and so many other standards with these fun, fun activities.


Download the Preview for a sample of the soundtrack composed specifically to go with "Someone Came Knocking." You will also find the sample lesson plans.


Have fun and as always, let me know how you like them and if there's anything I can do to help you in your classroom.


You can contact me at

Halloween Bundle of Fun

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